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Friday, June 26, 2009

IT SEZ Real Estate: 26/06/09

Anuj Puri
Mail Today

This has been a year of extremes for the Indian real estate market. Over the past four to five months, demand for property sank to its lowest point in many years, and a revival was definitely called for. There is much to be said for the fact that we have seen a significant resurgence in demand immediately after the recently announced election results.

The sector is definitely banking on the benefits of a stable and forward looking government to champion its cause.

The Budget should also provide clarity on the Software Technology Park of India ( STPI) guidelines. IT developers need to know whether this facility will continue to be available to them, or it will be modified.

The sector is reeling under unreasonable taxation burdens. Give us a Budget that frees the rental income yielded by commercial premises from service tax, and also extends the tax holiday under Section 80- IA (4) (iii) for developers who build, operate and maintain industrial parks so that the compromised IT industry gets a shot in the arm. The tax exemption for developers who construct flats of smaller size should also be reintroduced.

Disclaimer This Blog aggregates the news from various sources related to IT Industry, SEZ and Commercial Real Estate. All the sources are duly credited.